Get Files

The ExaDrive SDK provides powerful methods to retrieve information about files stored in your ExaDrive. These functionalities allow you to efficiently manage and access your stored files.

Retrieving All Files

The getAllFiles() method allows you to fetch a list of all files stored in your ExaDrive.




  .then((res) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Failed to retrieve files:', error);

Response Structure

The method returns a promise that resolves with an array of file objects. Each object contains detailed information about a file.

    "fileName": "file1.png",
    "fileDetails": {
      "encoding": "7bit",
      "mimetype": "image/png",
      "size": 411663
    "url": "",
    "directoryPath": "/myapp1/images"
  // ... more file objects

Response Fields

  • fileName: The name of the file.

  • fileDetails: An object containing:

    • encoding: The file's encoding (e.g., "7bit").

    • mimetype: The MIME type of the file.

    • size: The file size in bytes.

  • url: The URL where the file can be accessed.

Retrieving a Specific File

To get information about a specific file, use the getFile() method.


  • fileName: A string representing the name of the file you want to retrieve.


  .then((res) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Failed to retrieve file:', error);

Response Structure

The method returns a promise that resolves with an object containing detailed information about the specified file.

  "filename": "file100.png",
  "fileDetails": {
    "encoding": "7bit",
    "mimetype": "image/png",
    "size": 411663
  "url": "",
  "directoryPath": "/myapp1/images"

Advanced Usage

Pagination for Large File Lists

If you have a large number of files, implement pagination:

const getFilesBatch = async (page = 1, limit = 100) => {
  try {
    const res = await exaDrive.getAllFiles({ page, limit });
    console.log(`Files (Page ${page}):`,;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Failed to retrieve files (Page ${page}):`, error);

const getAllFilesPaginated = async () => {
  let page = 1;
  let allFiles = [];
  let batch;
  do {
    batch = await getFilesBatch(page);
    allFiles = allFiles.concat(batch);
  } while (batch && batch.length > 0);
  console.log('Total files retrieved:', allFiles.length);
  return allFiles;

Filtering Files

Implement a function to filter files based on certain criteria:

const filterFiles = (files, criteria) => {
  return files.filter(file => {
    return (
      (!criteria.type || file.fileDetails.mimetype.includes(criteria.type)) &&
      (!criteria.minSize || file.fileDetails.size >= criteria.minSize) &&
      (!criteria.maxSize || file.fileDetails.size <= criteria.maxSize)

  .then((res) => {
    const imageFiles = filterFiles(, { type: 'image', minSize: 100000 });
    console.log('Image files larger than 100KB:', imageFiles);
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Failed to retrieve and filter files:', error);

Best Practices

  1. Error Handling: Always include error handling to manage potential failures gracefully.

  2. Caching: Consider implementing a caching mechanism for frequently accessed file information to reduce API calls.

  3. Rate Limiting: Be aware of any rate limits on API calls and implement appropriate throttling if necessary.

  4. Large Data Sets: For applications dealing with a large number of files, implement pagination or batching to manage memory usage and improve performance.

  5. Regular Syncing: If your application requires up-to-date file information, consider implementing a regular syncing mechanism:

const syncFiles = async () => {
  try {
    const files = await exaDrive.getAllFiles();
    // Update local storage or state with the latest file information
    console.log('File sync completed successfully');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('File sync failed:', error);

// Run sync every hour
setInterval(syncFiles, 3600000);

By utilizing these file management capabilities and following best practices, you can effectively organize and access your files stored in ExaDrive using the SDK.

Last updated