
The Account Settings section allows you to update your profile information and manage your password securely. Here’s how to navigate and use these settings effectively:


Basic Info

  • Organization Name: Enter or update your organization's name.

  • About: Provide a brief description of your organization.

  • Website: Add or update your organization's website URL.

  • Address: Enter your address details, excluding the country.

  • Country: Specify your country.

  • Industry: Select relevant industry tags for your organization.

To save changes, click Update Organization.

Change Password

Steps to Change Password

  1. Current Password: Enter your existing password.

  2. New Password: Choose a new password.

  3. Confirm New Password: Re-enter the new password for confirmation.

Password Requirements

  • Minimum of 8 characters and up to 16 characters.

  • Include at least one number and one special character for enhanced security.

Verify using reCAPTCHA and click Change Password to apply changes.By managing your account settings, you can ensure your profile is up-to-date and your account remains secure.

Last updated